Mr Huang, paying attention to low purity and hand-made glutinous rice wine, has determined to popularize yellow wine culture through excellent brewing process and marketing innovation among the next younger generation. The founder, Huang Xiaohui, has indulged in the brewing of glutinous rice wine for many years. However, he found traditional sale method cannot promote the valuable drinking culture of yellow wine. To solve the problem, Mr Huang innovated and adjust the packing and craft in new yellow wine, in order to suit the younger generation’s drinking habits. Mr Huang uses the hand-made brewing Hakka rice wine with glutinous rice to skim the disadvantages of the bitter taste. The Hakka rice wine with glutinous rice mostly tastes fresh and cool, and the flavor standard can be summarized as “smooth, fresh, gentle”, abbreviated as SFG flavor. On the other hand, Mr Huang developed a set of drinking cultural system combining with the yellow wine culture, through means of emotional commitment, letting the younger generation realize the value of yellow wine, making the national wine regain its position and carrying forward the essence of the national wine. OKbrand has helped Mr Huang reshape the overall strategy and image of the brand, and endows Mr Huang with its unique cultural system in a more distinctive design.
Design concept
Gentle柔和:酒精含量只有13%的;黄先生,非常平易近人。就算不会喝酒的人也能轻松接受,斟酌数杯之后,又会有微醺之感。 -