Protect the health of private parts

消费者对精准、有效、安全的私密护理产品的需求迫在眉睫品牌可建立专业性并引导女性大健康产品新潮流,面对“高需求和低认知”的市场现状我们应该建立“精准、有效、安全”私护健康专家形象,为泉氧 注入差异化价值,以清洁为手段,以平衡为目的打造“养护结合模式”,建立女性科学私护解决方案
Private parts maintenance trend, users of accurate, effective and safe intimate care products demand immediate brand can build professional and guide the new trend, women health products in the face of "cognitive" high demand and low market situation we should set up "precise, effective and safe" private health experts image, oxygen injection differential value for spring, by means of cleaning, To create a "conservation combined mode" for the purpose of balance, and establish a scientific female private care solution

Design concept
我们以OHG的首字母O作为包装的主识别符号,将O分解为(),表达全心呵护的概念,同时也暗喻女性私密健康。结合表达产品功能属性的创意图片,创建了独属于OHG的品牌视觉风格。 -