漫野 . Manyiio

From Nature,tobeauty


  • Background


  • The founder of Manye, as a professional aroma therapist and formulator, has personally experi-enced the world to select high-quality natural raw materials. The founder chose to personally develop products with natural plant ingredients combined with scientific formulas, always at-taching importance to product quality and user experience, and gradually gaining user reputa-tion and trust with its personalization. The user's perception of Manye's brand is tied to the founder's personality perception.

  • Design concept

    从漫野的产品优势和创始团队的初心,品牌定位为原创天然成分护肤品牌,以天然植物成分 + 科技高效配方,专研天然成分护肤,诉求源于天然,美得安然的价值主张,体现漫野遍寻全球原野秘境,撷取珍稀天然成分精粹,历经上千次严苛肌肤测试,创造兼具卓越功效和温和感官体验的护肤作品以0香精、0矿油、0色素,安心养护肌肤之美。

    From the product advantages of Manye and the original intention of the founding team, the brand is positioned as an original natural ingredient skin care brand. With "natural plant ingredients + high-tech efficient formula", it specializes in natural skin care ingredients and appeals to "being natural and beautiful." Manye’s products explore the secrets of the global wilderness, extract the essence of rare and natural ingredients, and after thousands of rigorous skin tests, create a skin care with "0 flavor, 0 mineral oil, 0 pigment" at the same time with excellent efficacy and gentle sensory experience product. To protect the beauty of the skin.

  • 服务内容
    In November 2020
    漫野 Manyiio
    • 彰显品牌创始理念及产品天然优势的价值主张

    • 创建富有自然气息和文化属性的品牌字体

    • 塑造独特识别力的产品造型设计及包装识别系统,自然年轻的品牌形象,高颜值触动消费者